For Savvy Fitness Entrepreneurs

Author: Richard (Page 1 of 3)

3 Essential Components Of A Successful Content Marketing Strategy

Your content marketing strategy needs to be well thought out. You can’t just rush into it and expect to succeed. In this article, you’re going to learn the 3 most essential components of a successful content marketing strategy.

• Setting the right kind of goals

There are smart goals. And there are non-smart goals. Non-smart goals are basically those that don’t fit the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. What does that mean? Well, for your goal to fit this criteria, it should meet the following:

– Your goal should be Specific / Significant
– Your goal should be Measurable / Meaningful
– Your goal should be Achievable / Acceptable
– Your goal should be Realistic / Rewarding
– Your goal should be Time-based / Tangible

Having a SMART goal in place will help you achieve success much faster. You’re basically eliminating the fluff and focusing on what can help you accomplish your goals. You’d probably need to do some trial and error to find out what works best for your business, but you’d still be closer to your goals than if you decided to just ‘wing it.’

• Building an audience persona

Not knowing who to create content for has caused many content marketing strategies to fail. Quality will always trump quantity anytime. And one of the best ways to guarantee quality is knowing who your audience is. Armed with this information, you can create the kind of content that will appeal the most to them.

It will be easier to present yourself as an authority because you identify so well with your audience’s needs and their pain points. Fail to create an audience persona though, and you could be wasting all your hard work for nothing.

• Creating valuable and shareable content

Of course, the last ingredient to a successful content marketing strategy is the content itself. When you create content that strikes a chord with your audience, then it will be so easy to persuade them to follow your call to action.

Your audience will see you as an authority, hence, it will be easier to convince them to join your mailing list. They’ll be more likely to listen to your recommendations, and you can easily monetize your content by inserting your own products or other brands’ products you’re affiliated with!

🆓 Get your 30 Day Content Marketing Plan PDF at 

How To Use FB Live To Build An Audience

I’m at home writing this as we go through a Winter Advisory Warning here in Alabama. (I closed my gym for the day in anticipation of the deteriorating weather/road conditions.)

Anyway, as I’m paying attention to the weather and news updates on Facebook, I’ve noticed a trend.

The weather people have all been using FB live – not just in and around the studio, but in their homes.

They’re getting their audience to get to know them beyond the walls of the studio.

There was a weather gal the other day who streamed live from her home and simply went through all the things she had on hand to prepare for this extreme weather. She went through her purse, stuff in her car, stuff in her garage… she even introduced her pets.

As I watched out of sheer curiosity, I saw her number of live viewers keep growing.

The thing is, this wasn’t isolated to a single TV station. Many stations got their weather people to simply report from their homes.

Anyway, this just piques the curiosity of the viewer and shows the person in their day to day element – not rehearsed with a producer, and seemingly transparent.

Read the document below to learn how to intentionally build your audience with Facebook Live.

📄 How To Use Facebook Live To Build an Audience



Bootcamp Domination

I originally wrote this years ago when my I was running a lot of bootcamps at the time and before I opened my gym. If you’re just starting out or you need a bump in clients, this strategy works.

Click here – no optin needed.


[] 4 Steps to Set Up Your Membership Site

5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Monthly Membership Site

5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Monthly Membership Site

Nowadays, there are so many avenues for entrepreneurs to explore and grow a business. People are fully utilizing the power of the web to build online businesses because they’re easy to manage and easy to market. There is a breadth of entrepreneurial options out there so why should you choose to invest your time into building something as simple as a membership site?

While creating a membership site will not get you labeled the next Steve Jobs, it’s a great starting platform for your business and revenue to snowball and gain momentum. A well put together site can do wonders for your reputation and not to mention your bank account.

Let me share with you the 5 top reasons why a membership site is a must-have for every online businessman.

Passive Income

By far, the best and most delectable perk of having your own membership site is the passive income that you tap into. Creating a membership site can give you profitable, reliable passive income streams – imagine making pools of money while you sleep!

Think of your membership site as an investment. You put in the initial time and effort to build up your website and after that’s done, you can get income passively – meaning the money generates while you go about your day. Your online membership site is an asset that does the grunt of the work for you.

The beauty of this is that it is possible to automate a lot of the work so that you don’t need to ever worry about clocking in crazy hours. We call it passive income for a reason – this means that once you set up your site and get your initial round of marketing up and out there, you can generate income without having to do much more.

And apart from the occasional marketing boost and site maintenance work whenever you feel necessary, your money-making machine will keep rolling in the moolah for you while you make better use of your time. And with the help of virtual assistants, creating passive income becomes a no brainer.

Generating passive income for yourself offers you freedom and control, too; you are the boss of your new venture. No more reporting to management and clocking in. You can “work” from home, a café, or even while on holiday! You get to work as often or as seldom as you want and your membership site will still churn out the passive income for you. Once you get it up and running, it becomes a stream of income which you can rely on.

Fill Your List with Qualified Leads

Online businesses are nothing without buyers and customers. Therefore, having a market which you can tap into again and again is one of the most important aspects of any online business.

This is why there is so much emphasis on the importance of lead generation and list building. Through a list, you get to identify qualified leads, build relationships and most importantly, have a consumer base which you can reach within just a few clicks!

Your e-mail list is the main anchor for your online marketing success. Because this is the case, you want to make sure that your list is filled up with qualified leads – these are leads which are active buyers who have an interest in what you have to offer. These qualified leads are priceless because you can market your products and services to them and there’s a very high chance that they will take you up on the offer.

When you create an online membership site, the people who opt in or subscribe are leads which you want to have in your network. With other online ventures like squeeze pages and the like, you don’t know if the e-mails you add to your list are going to buy from you again – half of them could just be there for the freebies. But with these guys, if they are paying to join your membership site, then half the battle is already won.

And once you have built up your list and filled it with qualified leads, it becomes so much easier to make even more profit from your online products. A list gives you on-demand traffic whenever and wherever you want traffic to go.

Let’s say you have a product launch coming up or are involved with affiliate marketing and ad swapping. You can just send out a blast e- mail to your list, knowing that most of the people in your list are leads who have not only interest but also buying power.

Membership Sites Have Higher Perceived Value

Another perk that membership sites give you is that they have a higher perceived value to your followers and subscribers. If you’ve got your membership site set up and running smoothly, it’s very likely that your active subscribers won’t have a reason to leave.

This is because membership sites offer something most other passive income streams don’t – active engagement.

When you can make your membership site a buzzing online space that is updated with new and engaging content every so often, people see your site as a social hub of information – think Facebook, but less about personal woes and more about your respective niche and interest.

And if these prospects are signed up to be on your membership site, it means they want to hear from you. Any content that you share on your website will give them a sense of being part of your inner circle because the content is, by nature of online membership sites, content which only they and other subscribers can access.

The exclusivity factor of membership sites is what really boosts perceived value. Giving your subscribers exclusive log in details and allowing them access to members’ only content makes them feel special and included.

Overall, online membership sites have a higher perceived value but these sites also boost the perceived value that your subscribers have of you as a content provider.

When you can get your subscribers to view your website, services, and person as someone of great value, they will stop being subscribers and instead become FANS. These are fans who will continue supporting your endeavors and continue purchasing your products and services.

So, in a way, membership sites help you to convert maybes into believers and build up your fan base and celebrity status, too.

Get returning Visitors To Your Website (‘Sticky Value’)

It’s easy enough to get one-off visitors on your website but how can you make sure they come back again and again? Luckily, membership sites are known to have high ‘sticky value’.

A website that has great sticky value is, basically, a website that gets recurring visitors because it offers something that visitors can’t get enough of.

Monthly membership sites often have a higher member retention rate because of their great sticky value. The longer someone stays subscribed as a member on your website, the harder it will be for them to make the decision to leave.

In a way, you can say that they become equally invested in your website because it has offered them so much. The fact that they have been a member for a certain number of months also triggers loyalty, which is something you want to have from your members.

Now, it’s important to note that sticky websites get visitors to stay on the site without having to send them through multiple pop-ups, asking them if the REALLY want to leave. And when I say that, I’m talking about the information and content which you send their way. The exclusive information which you share with them is something which they cannot get anywhere else and therefore keeps them coming back for more.

Also, because monthly membership sites keep to a fixed publishing schedule, it’s a great reason for your members to keep coming back every time. And the more often they come back, the harder it will be for them to leave in the future.

As your main cycle of content runs on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, your site will become populated with a wide variety of content – bonus articles, related videos, guest-writer columns. All of these add more value and give more than what your subscribers expect of you, which helps build your reputation as an information provider.

Sell Away Membership Site For A Big Payday

We all know that leads and lists are one of the most valuable assets any internet businessman needs to have. Every new subscriber to your membership site is a lead, so the more subscribers you have, the likelier you’ll have people who want to purchase your membership site.

If your site picks up steam and is a thriving hub with active members, there’s a very high chance that other business people or marketing strategists will be interested in buying the rights to your membership site.

Mainly, they will be interested in purchasing your monthly membership site for two reasons:

They see your website as a profitable investment, courtesy of your monthly subscribers and revenue.

They want access to your membership site’s database of subscribers so that they can expand their list.

Regardless of what reasons they have behind wanting to purchase your site, just be rest assured that selling off your membership site is one of the most profitable exit strategies you could have at your disposal.

Unlike product launches which lose steam and value once the product is out in the market, membership sites become even more valuable as time goes by.

And you can cash out BIG – think 10 to 12 times the revenue your membership site pulls in on a monthly basis!

So, for example, let’s say that your membership site pulls in $1000 a month. As a general rule of thumb, you want to sell your website off for 10 to 12 times its monthly revenue. Meaning that if someone makes you an offer to buy your membership site, you can ask for anywhere between $10,000 to $12,000. Doesn’t that sound like a lucrative exit strategy?

I’d recommend that you have more than one membership site on hand so that even if you do get an offer to sell off one of your membership sites, you’ll have another which you can continue receiving passive income from.

If you’re looking for a membership platform, check out – Specifically for fitness professionals.

My Top 6 Online Tools To Market and Run My Businesses

  1. Stencil – I create all my social media images with this awesome tool. I create all my quote pics with this that I put on Instagram. You can even have the images you create sent directly to your phone for easy mobile posting. Too awesome NOT to have. Get it.
  2.  Animoto – I create slideshows and marketing videos with this. Custom text, advanced layouts, 2,000+ Music tracks to apply to your video too. You can easily create square (1:1) marketing videos which take up 78% more real estate in a person’s mobile newsfeed than does landscape video (16:9).  Animoto is so easy to use you can mix photos and video in minutes. You can get a FREE month if you use my referral link.
  3. Aweber – I’ve been using Aweber for years. Easy to use and reliable. Solid company and one of the original players in the list management business.
  4. ClickFunnels – I create most of my sales and landing pages with this and it works seamlessly with my Aweber account. Excellent metrics and easy to use.
  5. TrainerBaseHQ – Build unlimited membership sites or create unlimited courses. Show your expertise and deliver your knowledge through our web platform. You can even sell your digital products with ease. Use your Paypal or Stripe account which is already integrated. Get on our pre-launch notification list now. This is the membership platform for fitness/wellness professionals.

110 Self Improvement Boosters

Personal Trainer Marketing Use this ebook as a FREE giveaway or grab some ideas from it to jog your memory to create content for your clients and members.

This contains self-improvement tips on:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Spirit, Mind, and Soul
  • Productivity at WORK
  • Finances
  • Family and Relationships
  • and more…

>>> Download 110 Self Improvement Boosters

How To Design Your Coaching Program In 48 Hours

Here’s the framework of how to design your Coaching Program in 48 hours or less.

If you’ve got members or personal training clients, offering a specialized coaching program for a subset of them is popular. Like a specific Transformation type challenge for a certain amount of time.

You can also use this for remote online Coaching. Regardless, here’s more detail for you.

How To Design Your Coaching Program In 48 Hours Or Less

On another note – using FB Live and just allowing your Coaching Group members to watch is getting popular to deliver your coaching.

Public Speaking: Show The Problem and Solve It

How well your presentation goes the next time you step up to a podium depends on several factors. But one factor you can control completely is your script. The way you organize your content and how you present the material to that crowd can either totally captivate them and drive them step by step to a conclusion or it can bore them to sleep. It’s all in how you construct your presentation and how you present what you want them to know throughout the talk.

The difference between a great talk and a boring one is simple. A great talk is compelling. A great talk gets to the heart of a common experience. It addresses something we all go through and deals with a need we all experience. In short, a great talk solves a problem. So to create a presentation that reaches out and grabs your audience and holds them for the entire time of your presentation, you have to create a problem for them. And then you have to solve it.

The point when you create the problem is in your opening comments. Now donít shy away from being a bit melodramatic in your opening. Remember the goal of the opening is to grab the audience’s group attention and rivet it on your talk. So present the problem statement in a personal way, how it is meaningful on a personal level to the audience and to you. Spend about 20% of the time to the creation of the problem statement. By the time you have created that big monster in the room, they will be ready for you to guide them toward the solution.

With the audience “in the palm of your hand”, you can move directly into the description of the perfect solution. The solution phase of your talk can be broken into two parts. First, describe what the perfect solution would look like. You would not even directly bring up your solution just yet. Base your description of the perfect solution on the problem statement so you have an aspect of the solution that fits every possible problem created at the first part of your talk.

The next phase is the next to the last and comes about 50% into your time. Now you have the audience in a perfect place to hear your solution. Use about 30-40% of your total time on the proposed solution, fitting it perfectly to your discussion of the problem and the outline of what a perfect solution looks like. By this time the audience is eager to know the solution. All you are doing now is closing the deal.

If we followed a standard “term paper” approach to a program, the final phase would be to sum up and go over what you just talked about. Btu we are not going to follow that pattern because this is the time for the “pay off”. In your closing statements, you finally disclose the action to be taken. By giving your audience what they can do to take the first step on putting your solution into motion, you are cashing in on all that energy you created in the first 80% of your speech.

Now close the deal by giving them concrete and “right now” things they can do to recognize the problem and start the wheels turning on making the solution a reality. If it’s possible make the first step of implementing that solution happen right there in the room with you. That might be signing up for a newsletter, giving you an email address or going to another room for further counseling and discussion. You know what it is. But by using that energy, you convert passive listeners to active participants. And you did that with a very well designed and a well executive presentation plan.

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