For Savvy Fitness Entrepreneurs

Category: How To

Public Speaking: Show The Problem and Solve It

How well your presentation goes the next time you step up to a podium depends on several factors. But one factor you can control completely is your script. The way you organize your content and how you present the material to that crowd can either totally captivate them and drive them step by step to a conclusion or it can bore them to sleep. It’s all in how you construct your presentation and how you present what you want them to know throughout the talk.

The difference between a great talk and a boring one is simple. A great talk is compelling. A great talk gets to the heart of a common experience. It addresses something we all go through and deals with a need we all experience. In short, a great talk solves a problem. So to create a presentation that reaches out and grabs your audience and holds them for the entire time of your presentation, you have to create a problem for them. And then you have to solve it.

The point when you create the problem is in your opening comments. Now donít shy away from being a bit melodramatic in your opening. Remember the goal of the opening is to grab the audience’s group attention and rivet it on your talk. So present the problem statement in a personal way, how it is meaningful on a personal level to the audience and to you. Spend about 20% of the time to the creation of the problem statement. By the time you have created that big monster in the room, they will be ready for you to guide them toward the solution.

With the audience “in the palm of your hand”, you can move directly into the description of the perfect solution. The solution phase of your talk can be broken into two parts. First, describe what the perfect solution would look like. You would not even directly bring up your solution just yet. Base your description of the perfect solution on the problem statement so you have an aspect of the solution that fits every possible problem created at the first part of your talk.

The next phase is the next to the last and comes about 50% into your time. Now you have the audience in a perfect place to hear your solution. Use about 30-40% of your total time on the proposed solution, fitting it perfectly to your discussion of the problem and the outline of what a perfect solution looks like. By this time the audience is eager to know the solution. All you are doing now is closing the deal.

If we followed a standard “term paper” approach to a program, the final phase would be to sum up and go over what you just talked about. Btu we are not going to follow that pattern because this is the time for the “pay off”. In your closing statements, you finally disclose the action to be taken. By giving your audience what they can do to take the first step on putting your solution into motion, you are cashing in on all that energy you created in the first 80% of your speech.

Now close the deal by giving them concrete and “right now” things they can do to recognize the problem and start the wheels turning on making the solution a reality. If it’s possible make the first step of implementing that solution happen right there in the room with you. That might be signing up for a newsletter, giving you an email address or going to another room for further counseling and discussion. You know what it is. But by using that energy, you convert passive listeners to active participants. And you did that with a very well designed and a well executive presentation plan.

The Art of Repurposing Content


The content you create once can be transformed into different media and through different distribution channels. The infographic above gives you plenty of ideas on what you can do with the content you already have.

And if you don’t have content, you can simply get a quality supply of it here, every month.

Imagine the constant branding you can do by repurposing stuff you already have. I have ebooks I’ve written years ago, with evergreen content on nutrition and exercise that I’m repurposing. You can do it too.

There’s over 10 different ways you can repurpose your content. Read the infographic above to jog your memory and get ideas. Now get to it!

How To Make Quick Marketing and Demo Videos For Your Fitness Business

Putting together a slideshow of pics, or short video clips, or even a mix of the two can be done systematically with ease. And here’s a simple process I use…

The app I use (nothing to install) is right here. Many of my workout demo videos are created this way. Create video content. Distribute content. Repeat and have hundreds of videos promoting your brand, building your authority, and sending traffic back to your websites.

Get more info on Animoto, and get a FREE month if you decide to join through my link.

Create Info Products with the 10×10 Matrix System

Systems. I’m all about it.

Nearly everything can be systemized. And that includes product creation.

Here’s the 10×10 matrix system for creating products, courses, articles, etc.

The 10×10 matrix will serve as your outline and keep you focused on your topic. This system will also keep you organized as you create subtopics for each major topic.

Read your instructions for the 10×10 Matrix. Then, start creating!

You can have your first product fast (or add to your portfolio)! Make it happen, now.

Infinite Sales In Your Business?

Take an outside and slightly elevated view of your business.

Where can you “plug holes” and increase sales?

Use this book to critically think how it can apply to your business.

In addition to your offline training business, you can apply many of these tactics to the digital side of your business (ebooks, video coaching, membership sites, etc.).

InfiniteSalescover Click here to download Infinite Sales now.

Email Copy That Sells

I just uploaded a crazy helpful product called Email Copy That Sells.

It’s now in the PTT Members area, but I’m also making it available to non-members right here.

Here are two surefire examples to structure your emails for more engagement and sales.

Email Structure #1 – Special Announcement Angle: 


{make a special announcement}
{introduce the offer}

{list the benefits}

To Your Success,

P.S. – {place a benefit or emphasize a deadline/time limit}

Email Structure #2 – The “Pain” Angle:


{Stress a concerning problem by asking a question}

{introduce the solution}

{list the benefits}

To Your Success,

P.S. – {place a benefit or emphasize a deadline/time limit}

These examples come directly from Email Copy That Sells. Grab yours now or join and get it – plus a TON of additional content.