Do you have the opportunity to make extra money every day? I’m talking about outside of your main gym or personal client training business income?

I’ll tell you… it’s nice. It’s great to just have that opportunity, since so many others who hold regular wage or salaried jobs don’t.

So, what allows me to have that opportunity to make extra money every day?

It’s my email lists.

I make money nearly every time I send an email with an offer. I’m not talking big time windfall type money, but it’s money. My bread and butter is my gym business, but shooting off emails and getting paid anywhere from $10-$100 each time I send an email to one of my lists is justĀ simply awesome.

I’m currently far from emailing my lists daily, but I am ramping it up. The more I email, the more I make.

So, if you need some guidance in this area of building up your list and connecting with your subscribers, check this out now…


List Building Buddy

If you want to build your list and learn how to better engage with them, you should definitely check this out now!

List Building Buddy

